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The project is based on re-frame, a framework for building Modern Web Apps in ClojureScript. You should probably take a look at their exceptional documentation.

Style Guide

We try to follow the Clojure Style Guide as much as possible.

In addition to the idiomatic names, we use the following conventions

  • e - event
  • el - element
  • attr, attrs - attribute, attributes
  • prop, props - property, properties

We also use the following namespace aliases

  • v - views
  • e - events
  • h - handlers
  • s - subs

If the namespace belongs to a different module, we use module.v.

App structure

Main structure

├── renderer\     <--- renderer process
├── main.cljs     <--- main process
└── preload.cljs  <--- preload script

We are trying to split our code under renderer into relatively independent modules, following re-frame's app structure suggestions with some minor additions.

├── core.cljs     <--- entry point
├── db.cljs       <--- schema, validation
├── views.cljs    <--- reagent views
├── events.cljs   <--- event handlers
├── subs.cljs     <--- subscription handlers
├── handlers.cljs <--- helper functions for db transformations
├── styles.css    <--- styles
└──     <--- documentation

Useful development shortcuts

Ctrl+Shift+I Toggle devtools
Ctrl+Shift+H Toggle 10x
Ctrl+R Reload app